Wednesday, 04 March 2015 19:21

The Social Credit Angle

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It was the assertion of Douglas that as far as natural law and technology would allow, systems should free people to choose what they do with their time, and this forms the objective of the Social Credit proposals for the reorganisation of finance and economics. As explained on the back cover of the 1924 edition of one of his major works, Social Credit is 'the scientific money system for the automation age of abundance and leisure.'

It is the objective of the organisation of finance, economics and industry at this time to limit people’s freedoms to an ever-greater degree. This is confirmed by an analysis of the history of debt-finance, taxation, attitudes to employment, war and war spending, internationalism and environmental mutilation. The general trend toward the centralisation of power everywhere is systematically depriving individuals of power and, therefore, meaningful responsibility over their own lives. This trend runs contrary to the Social Credit tenant that systems are made for men and not men for systems.

Those first reading Douglas and coming to understand Social Credit will be surprised at his conclusions and proposals for rectification. Please persist. It is the belief of large numbers of people that understanding in the fields of economics and finance falls outside their intellectual ability and so is the exclusive domain of the experts, that is, those paid by power. The forces that control the lives of the people must be the active interest of the people if democracy is to be realised. It is the purpose of mainstream sources of information, including media and education, to obscure the truth about the controlling forces in our lives and so leave people confused and apathetic.

The interests of power over people are challenged in the Social Credit plan. Government and finance must be bent to the realities of our world for the promotion of freedom and the well-being of people which is inseparable from the responsible care of our natural world.

Douglas’ proposals for a reorganisation of the monetary system, essentially ‘that the monetary system be made to reflect facts’ formed a major part of the discussion up to the Second World War. Since then they have been actively suppressed or, more significantly, ignored by a public decreasingly able or willing to study the problem for themselves, happy to believe what they are told.

The Social Credit observations and recommendations for monetary reform derive from a broader philosophy articulated by Douglas and believed and developed by Social Crediters. This philosophy is an elaboration of Christ’s message that the ‘Sabbath was made for man,’ or that systems and rules are the servants rather than the masters of individuals. The maintenance of systems at the expense of individuals’ freedom is so commonplace that few of us even recognise the extent of their impositions and influence in our lives. The legitimacy of these systems requires challenging, the philosophy and resultant policy of Social Credit is that challenge.

This website contains the invaluable and wonderfully concise writings of C.H. Douglas, a thinker before his time, whose ideas are as relevant today as they were when he first wrote them down. It is part of a global movement for the reestablishment of a sign post we will ignore at our peril.

It is the hope of every Social Crediter that Douglas’ message would once again enliven in thinking people everywhere the desire for truth and the pursuit of real solutions to our problems.



Reposted with permission from

Last modified on Saturday, 10 February 2018 17:56
More in this category: What is Social Credit All About? »

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  • Comment Link John Kilford Thursday, 21 September 2023 20:51 posted by John Kilford

    The statement by Jesus Christ, ..." The truth will set you free..." raised the question that Pilate asked of the Saviour, "What is truth?" If we asked ourselves, what would we do to be free and what does freedom with security reward us? Truth demands honesty. The current situation must be questioned as to whether the power to give us the benefits of freedom can honestly and realistically be achieved. Do these benefits enhance our lives with happiness in achieving and enjoying life? Going by the issues of law and order, they do not. The policies at present are failing in the efforts to bring happiness and satisfaction. So, the question, what is truth, demands an honest and clear answer to the problems we currently face. As in a court of law, there must be evidence and witnesses

  • Comment Link Louis Monday, 22 January 2018 23:27 posted by Louis

    This is a fitting 'opening stanza' for discussion on the 'essential Social Credit'. Congratulations to the author. Lou

  • Comment Link bob klinck Monday, 22 January 2018 23:26 posted by bob klinck

    'the scientific money system for the automation age of abundance and leisure'

    While a succinct description of Social Credit in one of its key aspects, I don't think these words as such derive from Major Douglas.

    Another aspect that is not as frequently stressed is that Social Credit would permit the establishment of healthy, harmonious relations among people. Christ said we are to love our fellows, but our ability to do so is vitiated in an environment where people are preoccupied with economic survival, and Establishments are constantly playing on our resultant insecurity to manipulate us with "divide and conquer" scenarios. Social Credit would reverse this situation and enhance appreciation of our common interests (in which there is room for all to benefit and advance), without having these artificially prescribed by a self-appointed elite of Planners.

  • Comment Link Wallace Klinck Monday, 22 January 2018 23:25 posted by Wallace Klinck

    William Waite is correct--we must focus on the direct cause of our problems--the fatally flawed financial system which is the primary cause of most of the troubles with which the world is afflicted. We need to establish a new foundation for human relationships.

    Cutting through all of this discussion from a Social Credit, and fundamentally realistic, point of view is the fact that work is overwhelmingly accepted as the only morally "justified" source of material security or survival and that access to this source is controlled by interests external to the individual extending upwards in a pyramidal structure of finance supported social and economic power.

    The assumption that work is the essential justification for access to the means of life denies to the individual a share in the vast amount of actual and potential wealth which exists independently from human labour by virtue of natural bounty and the enormous accumulation of unearned increments of human association comprising our vast Cultural Heritage. Simply expressed, this means that the vast majority of persons are put into a desperate and competitive struggle for a place at the table in an inverted Hobbesian Hell where a growing shortage of access to an actual abundance is rending society asunder.

    A disinherited people are rendered faithless, skeptical of the merit of honesty, jaded in morality and forced toward the outer fringes of ethical and decent behaviour as they all strive for a place in the world of work where human energy is ever less required in the modern technology-based economy. This inevitably breeds a society of tyrants and “bootlickers”, “bosses” and “sycophants”, engaged in “master”-and-“slave” relationships.

    Only the freedom and independence conferred by genuine inheritance can reverse this malignant trend. The truth is that Abundance, actual and potential, is Real. Until and unless we humans recognize this truth and acknowledge it as the basis of a universal inheritance due unconditionally to all people we can never enter into the Kingdom and will be condemned to increasing misery and probable ultimate destruction.

    Truth is our means to freedom and where hypocritical and blind disregard for it becomes evermore the accepted norm we lose our freedom accordingly. Indeed, if there is any rationality or “rightness” in the Universe this is as it should be. The fool saith in his heart, “There is no God."

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