Social Credit Views

Monday, 08 December 2014 01:45

The Pro-Life Movement Needs Social Credit

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While I am staunchly pro-life and hold that direct abortion should be prohibited by force of law (as it was under British common law and throughout the Western world until the sixties and seventies), it is important to recognize that abortion is a problem that needs to be counteracted or neutralized on a variety of different levels. Criminalizing direct abortion on the entirely appropriate grounds that the unborn child has the same God-given right to life as is possessed by the rest of us can certainly lower abortion rates (the law has an educative function), but the most effective method of dealing with the practice would be to eliminate its root causes.

It is with regard to this question of 'root causes' that both the pro-life movement's rank and file as well as many of its leaders suffer from a very terrible blindspot. It has been estimated that the vast majority of abortions in advanced economies (over 90%) occur because of social and/or economic reasons (e.g., lack of income, interference with education and/or careers, lack of a support system, etc). This particular statistic is not a secret; it is known and openly cited by many individuals and groups. What is largely unknown to pro-life activitists is the fact that these socio-economic difficulties, while real enough in their effects, are largely artificial in terms of their causes; they are not grounded in the nature of things. Indeed, the inhuman financial and economic pressures under which most of us labour are essential features of the conventional financial system, a system which does not adequately reflect and therefore does not fully actualize society's real credit (i.e., its useful productive capacity). Social Credit proposes to liberate society's physical capacity to provide everyone with an abundance of goods and services alongside increasing leisure time by duly subordinating society's financial credit to its real credit.  Eliminate the artificial financial and economic pressures via a Social Credit monetary reform and you eliminate one of the root causes that drives women to consent to the terrible crime of foeticide.

Cf. A Summary of the Social Credit Monetary Reform .

Pro-life activists are right in insisting that we need to develop a 'culture of life' if we are to reduce the number of abortions. What they have yet to realize is that a culture of life is likely to remain nothing more than a sentimental chimera unless it is grounded on a financial and economic system that is also pro-life and pro-family. Provide women with real, i.e., concrete, support to bear and raise children via a debt-free National Dividend in lieu of slogans or abstract ideals and abortion will become unattractive as an escape from an inhuman financial, economic, and social environment. Yes, the present financial system (with its inherent imbalance that is leveraged by a credit monopoly) is not only not pro-life and pro-family, it is, in its very structure and in the very way that it functions, an anti-truth, anti-life, anti-family, and anti-cultural force. It is the single greatest threat to civilization.

Is anyone paying attention, or is the voice of Social Crediters to remain a voice 'crying out in the wilderness'?

Last modified on Sunday, 11 February 2018 03:53

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  • Comment Link Walter Sunday, 11 February 2018 01:51 posted by Walter

    It is correct that we must create a new civilisation. It is not much use going back to the one that has caused and is causing all the trouble. The Vatican Bank is a major part of the Banking establishment if not in control of it. We must have bankings overall power removed. Then we can settle down into a civilisation that C H Douglas has laid before us. Read C H Douglas and get his meanings instilled into your physchi. Jesus said, "I come to give you life more abundantly," and so does C H Douglas. Both exposed the fraud in the banking. Jesus paid with his life for us. Luckily C H Douglas managed to be spared although it was attempted twice on trains taking him to his home speeches in London. By the grace of God his friends saved him.

  • Comment Link  Ted Reznowski Sunday, 11 February 2018 01:51 posted by Ted Reznowski

    Thank you for the article on how the financial system is part of the Culture of Death. Though all Socreds are not pro-life, in my experience the Philosophy of Social Credit seems to draw individuals to a Culture of Life through Social Credit. The usual SC emphasis on a dividend for every man, women and child, be they disabled, sick or well; the emphasis on the dividend as recognition that women, mothers, who never work in a “job”, contribute to society; the recognition that some of the best “work” is done by volunteers who work with the sick and disabled. The emphasis placed on preserving small towns and villages, instead of the family and community destroying modern model of forcing people to move to find work and a means of survival. An example is the situation of many families, especially in Newfoundland and the Maritimes, Canada, where the father has been forced to find work in the oilfields of Alberta. This has a great social cost on their children and spouse. The constant worldwide immigration problem, as people strive to find employment, which similarly has a great social cost on families, besides helping to destroy minority cultures and languages. This all undermines the family social structure and means of support in times of crisis. There has been a proud history of Social Crediters being pro-life. I think of Emiar O’Duffy, who in the 1930s attacked eugenics and defended the family (see Life and Money: Even his Sci-Fi works, such as “Asses in Clover” (see: reflect his belief that our economic system was destroying the family, along with Eimar’s support for the life giving distributive function of Social Credit monetary policy. We live in “Poverty amidst Plenty” because of our outdated banking and financial system that will not create money as a credit, but only as a debt, that makes most of us wage slaves, burdened with financial debts that we can never totally repay. Perhaps the greatest pro-life prose in modern literature was written by Ezra Pound, who was one among many artists, inspired by Douglas and the Philosophy and Policy of Social Credit. "Usura slayeth the child in the womb"
    See: Canto XLV by Ezra Pound “With Usura”:

  • Comment Link  Oliver Heydorn Sunday, 11 February 2018 01:51 posted by Oliver Heydorn

    Hi Rick,

    Welcome! No, the dividend is not funded by redistributive taxation or an increase in public debt of any kind. We are not robbing Peter to pay Paul. The dividend is financed by the debt-free creation of money which is needed to bridge the recurring gap between consumer prices and consumer incomes in the modern, industrialized economy. I would encourage you to take the time to gain a proper understanding of Social Credit. It is well worth the effort!

  • Comment Link Rick Sunday, 11 February 2018 01:50 posted by Rick

    It sounds like you're proposing giving someone public money, but this is an abuse of government. Leo XIII and Pius IX said you can't use the government to take from some to give to others.

  • Comment Link Philippus Sunday, 11 February 2018 01:50 posted by Philippus

    Why all this to maintain a life.How many abortions take place in one year.What does it cost to raise a child to the age of 18 including University eduction? How much money do we pour into no return excursions like projects like space travel for one, or even Wars.

  • Comment Link  William Waite Sunday, 11 February 2018 01:50 posted by William Waite

    That is great stuff Wally. That seems also the proper response to anyone that raises the problem of overpopulation, which I seem to be coming across frequently. It worries me that this simplistic jingo is finding traction because it strikes me as a way of mentally preparing people to passively accept mass murder.

  • Comment Link  Wally Klinck Sunday, 11 February 2018 01:49 posted by Wally Klinck

    The founder of Social Credit, Clifford Hugh Douglas, said that we Social Crediters are attempting no less than to establish a new foundation for civilization -- that foundation being absolute economic security for the individual. While not predicting the exact course of such a civilization he believed that it would evolve in the most desirable manner under conditions of freedom from material want or destitution.

    The advocates for Life (anti-abortionists) and for Choice (apologists for abortion) are engaged in an entirely unnecessary and unnatural divisive social dialectic between those whose natural love of the innocent and defenceless and those who for reasons of economic insecurity regard a child as a difficult or unsustainable economic burden. There can be other factors involves but the primal factor is economic insecurity and the need to devote increasing energy to provision of financial solvency. This necessity tends to draw people away from their instinctive humanity, affection and compassion toward an induced and unnatural hardened psychological attitude toward other humans and life. in general.

    The struggle for survival in a contrived financial regime which presents a restricted image of the actual fecundity of the earth places all elements of society essentially in a form of increasingly negative competition for increasingly scarce financial resources in the context of and evermore abundant capacity to deliver physical goods and services. Such is the contradiction of a civilization attempting to live under the impossible conditions imposed by an unrealistic and restrictive system of financial cost-accountancy.

    Social Credit policies would allow not only the use of resources, natural and human, for desired production but would ensure that the results of such activity are automatically accessible to the individual members of society at large--immediately, dynamically and without obligation of debt or necessity to engage in wasteful and destructive activity merely to obtain financial incomes in order to access previously produced consumer goods awaiting purchase.

    Social Credit policy is to create social stability through the realistic integration of ends and means. The present financial system absolutely precludes such stability.

    It is a tragedy that the Pro and Anti factions should be reduced to ineffective moralists and materialist survivalists. They could rediscover their mutual and latent humanity in a Social Credit dispensation.

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